1.1 and 1.2

Cards (43)

  • What is the definition of biology?
    Biology is the science of life
  • What does the Greek word "bios" mean?
    "Bios" means life
  • What does the Greek word "logos" mean?
    "Logos" means study
  • What are the main areas of study within biology?
    • Origins and history of life
    • Structures of living things
    • Interactions among living things
    • Functions of living things
  • What does organization in living things refer to?
    Organization means living things are arranged in an orderly way
  • How are specialized cells organized in living organisms?
    • Specialized cells form tissues
    • Tissues are organized into organs
    • Organ systems work together to support an organism
  • What is the reductionist approach in biology?
    The reductionist approach focuses on small parts that make up a system
  • What is systems biology?
    Systems biology analyzes the system as a whole along with its parts
  • What is the basic unit of life?
    The cell is the basic unit of life
  • What structures inside the cell contain genetic material?
    Chromosomes contain the genetic material
  • What is the full name of DNA?
    Deoxyribonucleic acid
  • What are the nucleotides of DNA?
    • Adenine (A)
    • Guanine (G)
    • Cytosine (C)
    • Thymine (T)
  • How do the arrangements of nucleotides affect traits?
    The differences in arrangements result in the expression of different traits
  • What is the complete set of genes in an organism called?
    The complete set of genes is called the genome
  • What is the study of genomes referred to as?
    The study of genomes is referred to as genomics
  • What is the complete set of proteins expressed by a cell called?
    The complete set of proteins is called the proteome
  • What is the study of proteomes referred to as?
    The study of proteomes is called proteomics
  • Where do living things get their energy from?
    Living things get their energy from food
  • How do most plants and some unicellular organisms make their own food?
    They use light energy from the Sun
  • How do organisms that cannot make their own food obtain energy?
    They get energy by consuming other organisms
  • What must organisms interact with?
    Organisms must interact with both biotic and abiotic factors
  • What are symbiotic relationships?
    Interactions between biotic factors that establish relationships among organisms
  • What is parasitism?

    Parasitism is a relationship that benefits one party only
  • What is mutualism?

    Mutualism is a relationship that benefits both parties
  • What is commensalism?

    Commensalism is a relationship that neither detrimentally affects both parties
  • How is evolution defined?
    Evolution is defined as the change in living organisms over time
  • What does the concept of evolution suggest about all life forms?
    All life forms arose from a single common ancestor
  • How have life forms developed adaptations according to the concept of evolution?
    Life forms have developed adaptations through natural selection
  • How is evolution defined in biology?
    Evolution is a change in genetic composition of a population from generation to generation.
  • What are the two different ways of viewing evolution proposed by Campbell (2015)?
    Evolution can be viewed as a pattern and as a process.
  • Who proposed the Scala Naturae and what was its main idea?
    Aristotle proposed the Scala Naturae, believing that species are fixed and unchanging, arranged on a ladder of life.
  • What does the Scala Naturae represent in terms of species?
    The Scala Naturae represents that all life forms can be arranged on a ladder with lower forms below and higher forms above.
  • What was the belief regarding species in the Old Testament's Creation Account?
    The Old Testament's Creation Account states that species were intelligently designed by God and are perfect.
  • What is the Gradualistic Concept proposed by James Hutton?
    The Gradualistic Concept states that geologic changes occur through a slow, continuous process rather than abrupt ones.
  • What was Thomas Malthus's concern in his Essay on the Principle of Population?
    Thomas Malthus was concerned about the increasing human population during the Industrial Revolution.
  • How did Malthus describe the growth of human population compared to food production?
    Malthus described that human population increases geometrically while food production increases only arithmetically.
  • What did Georges Cuvier study and what was his conclusion about fossils?
    Georges Cuvier studied fossils found in strata of sedimentary rocks and concluded that upper strata contain younger fossils while lower strata contain older ones.
  • What was Charles Lyell's Uniformitarian Proposal?
    Charles Lyell's Uniformitarian Proposal agreed with Hutton that geologic changes occur continuously and at the same rate as in the past.
  • What was Jean Baptiste de Lamarck's view on species?
    Jean Baptiste de Lamarck believed that species are changing and came from preexisting species.
  • What principle did Lamarck propose regarding the environment's influence on species?
    Lamarck claimed that species change or evolve because the environment required them to.