Research Methods

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  • What do Psychologists do?
    Psychologists try to explain human behaviour
    They develop theories
    They work out ways to test their theories
  • What is the Independent Groups Design in experimental research?
    Participants are divided into two groups, e.g., condition A and condition B.
  • What are the strengths of the Independent Groups Design?
    • Avoids order effects
    • Reduces demand characteristics
    • Increases validity of results
  • What are the weaknesses of the Independent Groups Design?
    • Requires more participants
    • Participant variables may affect results
  • What is a solution to the weakness of requiring more participants in Independent Groups Design?
    Be prepared to spend more time and money.
  • How can participant variables be addressed in Independent Groups Design?
    Randomly allocate participants to conditions.
  • What is the Repeated Measures Design in experimental research?
    The whole group takes part in each condition.
  • What are the strengths of the Repeated Measures Design?
    • Fewer participants are required
    • Less costly and time-consuming
    • Reduces participant variables
  • What are the weaknesses of the Repeated Measures Design?
    • Participants may guess the purpose of the experiment
    • The order of conditions may affect performance
  • What is a solution to prevent participants from guessing the purpose of the experiment in Repeated Measures Design?
    Use a cover story about the purpose.
  • What is the practice effect in Repeated Measures Design?
    Participants may perform better in the second condition due to practice.
  • What is the fatigue effect in Repeated Measures Design?
    Participants may perform worse in the second condition due to fatigue or boredom.
  • What is a solution to address the order effects in Repeated Measures Design?
    Use counterbalancing to ensure each condition is equally tested.
  • How does counterbalancing work in Repeated Measures Design?
    • Divide the group into two
    • One group does condition A followed by B
    • The other group does condition B followed by A
  • What is the Matched Pairs Design in experimental research?
    Participants are matched on key characteristics and assigned to different conditions.
  • What is a weakness of the Matched Pairs Design?
    • It is time-consuming