The blocking of unpleasant emotions, impulses, memories, and thoughts from your conscious mind
What is Displacement?
Satisfying an impulse with a substitute object/person.
What is Denial?
Refusal to perceive that painful facts, thoughts, or feelings exist/happened
Define Ego Defence Mechanisms.
Ways the mind protects itself from anxiety and conflict. They are unconscious mechanisms.
The 4 Ego Defence Mechanisms
What is Projection?
an individual attributing their own unacceptable thoughts or feelings to another person or wishes to have the positive qualities displayed by another person.
The 5 Psychosexual stages of development:
Oral Stage - ( 0 - 18 Months )
Anal Stage - ( up to 3 years )
Phallic Stage - ( up to 5 years )
Latency Stage - ( up to puberty )
Genital Stage - ( puberty onwards )
What is ID?
Primitive and instinctual part of the mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives. It demands immediate gratification. (pleasure principle). Present from birth.
What is the SuperEgo?
Internalisation of society’s rules (morality principle). From 3YO.
What is the Ego?
It mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego. This is your expressed personality. From 2YO.
Tripartite personality - The balance between the three parts isn’t fixed and it can change depending on experiences and circumstances.
Childhood Experiences:
Our behaviours, feelings and thoughts as adults (including psychological problems) are rooted in our childhood experiences.
Events that occur in childhood can remain stored in the unconscious mind and cause problems as adults if they are not resolved.
These events might not be conscious but are still emotional experiences / sensitive memories.
The Unconscious Mind:
In Freudian psychology, the unconscious mind is the repository for thoughts, feelings, and memories of which a person is not consciously aware.
He argued that unacceptable thoughts, memories, and motives could be repressed in the unconscious mind and this is outside our control.
The repressed thoughts, feelings and memories continue to influence much of our behaviour, even though we cannot understand why. The iceberg analogy.
The unconscious is not directly accessible but it can manifest itself in parapraxes (Freudian slips), creativity and neurotic symptoms.