Psychodynamic Approach

Cards (20)

  • What is the basis of PsychoDynamic Approach?
    Based on Freud's psychoanalytic theory
  • What is Repression?
    The blocking of unpleasant emotions, impulses, memories, and thoughts from your conscious mind
  • What is Displacement?
    Satisfying an impulse with a substitute object/person.
  • What is Denial?
    Refusal to perceive that painful facts, thoughts, or feelings exist/happened
  • Define Ego Defence Mechanisms.
    Ways the mind protects itself from anxiety and conflict. They are unconscious mechanisms.
  • The 4 Ego Defence Mechanisms
    1. Denial
    2. Repression
    3. Displacement
    4. Projection
  • What is Projection?
    an individual attributing their own unacceptable thoughts or feelings to another person or wishes to have the positive qualities displayed by another person.
  • The 5 Psychosexual stages of development:
    1. Oral
    2. Anal
    3. Phallic
    4. Latency
    5. Genital
  • Oral Stage - ( 0 - 18 Months )
  • Anal Stage - ( up to 3 years )
  • Phallic Stage - ( up to 5 years )
  • Latency Stage - ( up to puberty )
  • Genital Stage - ( puberty onwards )
  • What is ID?
    Primitive and instinctual part of the mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives. It demands immediate gratification. (pleasure principle). Present from birth.
  • What is the SuperEgo?
    Internalisation of society’s rules (morality principle). From 3YO.
  • What is the Ego?
    It mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego. This is your expressed personality. From 2YO.
  • Tripartite personality - The balance between the three parts isn’t fixed and it can change depending on experiences and circumstances.
  • Childhood Experiences:
    • Our behaviours, feelings and thoughts as adults (including psychological problems) are rooted in our childhood experiences. 
    • Events that occur in childhood can remain stored in the unconscious mind and cause problems as adults if they are not resolved.
    • These events might not be conscious but are still emotional experiences / sensitive memories.
  • The Unconscious Mind:
    • In Freudian psychology, the unconscious mind is the repository for thoughts, feelings, and memories of which a person is not consciously aware.
    • He argued that unacceptable thoughts, memories, and motives could be repressed in the unconscious mind and this is outside our control.
    • The repressed thoughts, feelings and memories continue to influence much of our behaviour, even though we cannot understand why. The iceberg analogy.
    • The unconscious is not directly accessible but it can manifest itself in parapraxes (Freudian slips), creativity and neurotic symptoms.
  • The 3 main assumptions:
    • Tripartite personality
    • The unconscious mind
    • Influence of childhood experiences in later life