Types of experiment

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  • What is a lab experiment?

    An experiment conducted in a controlled environment
  • What characterizes a standardised procedure in research?
    A controlled, repeatable method used in an experiment
  • What is a field experiment?
    An experiment conducted in a more natural environment
  • What is a natural experiment?
    An experiment where the independent variable occurs naturally
  • What is a quasi-experiment?

    An experiment that has an independent variable based on existing differences
  • What does reliability mean in research?
    It measures if something stays the same consistently
  • What is ecological validity?
    The extent to which a study resembles real-life situations
  • What is mundane realism?

    The degree to which a study reflects everyday life
  • What is internal validity?
    The extent to which a study accurately identifies a causal relationship between variables
  • What are demand characteristics?
    Cues that may lead participants to guess the researcher's hypothesis
  • What is random allocation in experiments?
    Assigning participants to different groups in an unbiased manner
  • What are the pros and cons of lab experiments?
    • High control and internal validity
    • Consistent and uniform procedures
    • Ethical (consent given)

    • High demand characteristics
    • Low ecological validity
  • What are the pros and cons of field experiments?
    • Higher ecological validity
    • More natural behavior observed

    • Less control of extraneous variables
    • Potential ethical issues
  • What are the pros and cons of natural experiments?
    • Very high ecological validity
    • Observes behavior in natural settings

    • Cannot control the independent variable
  • What are the pros and cons of quasi-experiments?
    • Can be randomly allocated
    • Less demand characteristics

    • Less control over variables
    • Ethical issues may arise
  • Summarize the types of experiments in psychology.
    • Lab experiments: Artificial, controlled environment
    • Field experiments: Everyday setting, researcher manipulates IV
    • Natural experiments: Natural, uncontrolled environment
    • Quasi-experiments: Based on existing differences (e.g., gender)