Experimental designs

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  • What is meant by experimental designs in psychology?
    It refers to how participants are organised across the conditions.
  • What is often confused with experimental designs?
    Experimental methods such as field and lab experiments are often confused with experimental designs.
  • What is an independent groups design?

    It is a design where each participant takes part in only one condition.
  • How are participants randomly allocated in an independent groups design?
    The researcher has no impact on which participants go in which group, which reduces bias.
  • What is a repeated measures design?

    It is a design where each participant takes part in both conditions.
  • What is a matched pairs design?
    It is a design where participants are matched on variables considered relevant, and each participant takes part in one condition.
  • How is a matched pairs design conducted?
    Researchers recruit a group of participants and match them on specific variables, such as age or IQ.
  • What is an example of matching in a matched pairs design?

    If there is an A grade female student for the morning condition, another A grade female student is found for the afternoon condition.
  • What happens to one of the pair in a matched pairs design?
    One of the pair goes into condition A, and the other goes into condition B.
  • What is the sensible limit of variables to restrict in a matched pairs design?
    Variables such as age or IQ are considered relevant for matching.