
Cards (9)

  • What is genetic variation?
    Genetic variation pertains to the differences among individuals in the composition of their genes or other DNA sequences.
  • How is genetic variation often reflected?
    It is often reflected by phenotypic variation, or differences among individuals in terms of their traits or characteristics.
  • What is mutation defined as?
    Mutation is defined as the change in the genetic sequence of an individual.
  • Why is mutation considered the raw material for evolution?
    Because mutations introduce new genetic variations that can be acted upon by natural selection.
  • What can result from errors in cell division?
    Alteration of gene number or position can result from errors in cell division.
  • What can cause mistakes when DNA is replicated?
    Errors in cell division can cause mistakes when DNA is replicated.
  • What is the effect of rapid reproduction in prokaryotes on mutation probability?
    Rapid reproduction often increases the probability of mutation in a population.
  • How does sexual reproduction induce variation in populations?
    Sexual reproduction induces variation since genes of the parents are shuffled and distributed at random to produce the genetic composition of every individual.
  • What are the mechanisms and conditions that produce variations in population sizes?
    • Mutation as the raw material for evolution
    • Alteration of gene number or position from errors in cell division
    • Rapid reproduction increasing mutation probability
    • Sexual reproduction shuffling genes