Rostows model

Cards (11)

  • development is measured using HDIs - human development indicators
  • development can be measured using birth or death rate, literacy rate or doctors per 1000
  • rostows model is to show how the rate of development is effected by time
  • there are 5 stages
  • the traditional society stage is based on farming and natural resources alone - most people are employed in agriculture
  • second stage is pre-conditions for take off - this is where most are still farmers but have things they can sell and trade - manufacturing begins to take off
  • third stage is take off - manurfacturing is the majority of the community as more factories are built - they get more money to spend
  • forth stage is the drive to maturity - the economy becomes more diverse with more tertiary jobs like teachers or doctors and the nation is getting more self sufficient = needs less imports
  • fifth stage is high mass consumption where development is at its peak - the population is wealthier and consumes more high value goods like cars and electronics
  • negatives of the model are - it assumes they all develop the same way and at the same rate, doesn't consider that some countries develop more in different aspects (eg. economically but not socially), doesn't consider the countries development as a whole instead of on a regional level, assumes all countries experience the same economic growth, doesn't show future predictions for already developed countries
  • positives about the model are - it is simplified so it is easier to understand, almost all countries have followed this path of development, its a very respectful models that scientists believe in