Enhanced greenhouse effect

Cards (8)

  • Human activities are responsible for the excessive release of greenhouse gases which intensifies the greenhouse effect. This is known as enhanced greenhouse effect.
  • Since the Industrial Revolution, in the late 1700s, the use of fossil fuels has increased considerably.
  • Forests are regarded as large carbon sinks.
  • The trees in the forests absorb large amounts of CO2 for photosynthesis from the atmosphere and store it as food in the form of carbohydrates.
  • When forests are cut down on a large scale (deforestation), less CO2 is removed from the atmosphere and the CO2 levels in the atmosphere rise.
  • Industrialisation (use of fossil fuels) as well as deforestation (reduction o carbon sinks) are forms of human impact on the environment
  • The higher CO2 levels in the atmosphere result in an enhanced greenhouse effect which in turn leads to a further increase in the earth's temperature. This is known as global warming
  • Possible actions to reduce the release of greenhouse gases:
    • Improve international cooperation and legislation
    • Introduce incentives