Expt methods(types)

Cards (14)

  • Reliability- consistency of measure repeat and get same results
  • Validity- extent in which a test measures what it claims to measure(full picture)
  • Ecological validity- apply findings to real life/would it actually happen
  • Generalisability- can you apply findings to the wider target population
  • Ethical issues- moral judgements of what is right and wrong
  • Causation- being able to establish cause and effect (IV directly causes DV)
  • Labatory- conducted in a special environment where IV and DV are controlled. Setting is high control/ artificial
  • Labtory- pros, high degree of control, variables are controlled, replication is easy. Cons, setting is not like everyday life so it lacks ecological validity, participants are likely to know about what they are being studied for (demand characteristics)
  • Field- Conducted in a more natural environment but the IV is still manipulated (participants are unaware to being studied)
  • Field-pros, high ecological validity, no demand characteristics. Cons, cant control EV, ethical issues(dot know they are a part of the experiment)
  • Natural- investigate the relationship between the IV and the DV but the IV cannot be directly manipulated (in the field)
  • Natural- pros, enables them to research real life problems, does not breach ethical issues. Cons, Iv isn't directly manipulated, impossible to be random (cant pick participants), impossible to replicate
  • Quasi- IV has not been made to vary by anyone but is still different between people (inherited characteristics) no control group and all participants are compared.
  • Quasi- pros, allows practical ways to measure direct comparisons, lab setting so high control. Cons, only used when conditions are natural, DV may still be fairly artificial tasks which can reduce ecological validity, ethical guidelines of informed consent, can cause demand characteristics