lower limb musle

Cards (33)

  • What is the name of the muscle that helps with flexion at the hip and is located at the top of the leg?
    Psoas major
  • What is the primary function of the psoas major muscle?
    It helps with flexion at the hip.
  • What muscle is located in the iliac fossa and also assists with hip flexion?
  • How do the psoas major and iliacus muscles work together?
    They are synergists for hip flexion.
  • What is the name of the muscle that was historically referred to as the "Taylor muscle"?
  • What are the three functions of the Sartorius muscle?
    Flexion at the hip, flexion at the knee, and lateral rotation.
  • What is the name of the muscle that helps with flexion at the hip, medial rotation, and tensing the iliotibial tract?
    Tensor fasciae latae
  • What is the primary action of the quadriceps femoris group?
    Extension at the knee.
  • Which muscle in the quadriceps group also assists with flexion at the hip?
    Rectus femoris
  • What is the function of the vastus medialis muscle?
    Extension at the knee.
  • What are the four muscles that make up the quadriceps femoris group?
    Rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, and vastus intermedius.
  • What is the primary function of the gluteus maximus muscle?
    Extension and lateral rotation at the hip joint.
  • What muscle is responsible for abduction at the hip joint?
    Gluteus medius
  • What are the functions of the gluteus minimus muscle?
    Abduction at the hip joint.
  • Which muscles are considered lateral rotators of the hip?
    Piriformis, superior gemellus, obturator internus, inferior gemellus, and quadratus femoris.
  • How do the hamstring muscles function as a group?
    They perform extension at the hip joint and flexion at the knee.
  • What are the names of the three main hamstring muscles?
    Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus.
  • What is the function of the adductor magnus muscle?
    Adduction at the hip.
  • What muscle is located underneath the adductor magnus and also assists with adduction at the hip?
    Adductor brevis
  • What are the functions of the gracilis muscle?
    Adduction at the hip, flexion at the knee, and medial rotation.
  • What is the name of the muscle that can also do flexion at the hip and is located near the adductor muscles?
  • What are the "Sgt" muscles and what do they include?
    Sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus, which all insert onto the pes anserinus.
  • What is the name of the muscle responsible for dorsiflexion at the ankle?
    Tibialis anterior
  • What are the functions of the extensor digitorum longus muscle?
    Extension of the digits, dorsiflexion, and inversion of the ankle.
  • What are the names of the peroneal muscles?
    Peroneus brevis and peroneus longus.
  • What is the primary action of the gastrocnemius muscle?
    Plantar flexion.
  • What is the name of the muscle that assists with flexion at the knee and plantar flexion?
  • What is the function of the soleus muscle?
    Plantar flexion.
  • What is the name of the tendon that connects the calf muscles to the heel?
    Calcaneal tendon (Achilles tendon)
  • What is the function of the popliteus muscle?
    Flexion at the knee to unlock the joint.
  • What is the name of the muscle that flexes the big toe?
    Flexor hallucis longus
  • What are the functions of the tibialis posterior muscle?
    Plantar flexion and inversion of the ankle.
  • What are the functions of the flexor digitorum longus muscle?
    Flexion of the digits, inversion of the ankle, and plantar flexion.