Theme C

Cards (15)

  • Aj Ayer - the world is perfect because that is all we know
  • Aquinas - 'it is necessary to arrive at a first mover, moved by no other; and this everyone understands to be God'
  • David Hume - 'The world is very faulty and imperfect... and was only the first essay of some deity, who afterwards abandoned it, ashamed of his lame performace'
  • Flew - 'Religious experiences are interpreted in terms of our background and upbringings. Hence, people in Britain tend to become Christians.' 'This is due to their background rather than anything supernatural'
  • Gottfried Leibnitz - 'why is there something rather than nothing'
  • Maurice Wiles - God is either partisan or arbitrary
  • Wiles - 'miracles cannot happen'
  • Richard Dawkins - 'These experiences may seem impressive, but they are the result of ideas that reproduce easily upon our brains. They are a virus of the mind'
  • Richard Swinburne - Principle of Testimony and Principle of Credulity
  • Schwarzenburg - 'if the universe were different in any significant way, we wouldn't be here to wonder why it is the way it is'
  • Sigman Freud - 'As with all religious experiences, these events are hallucinations.' 'Just like our dreams, these hallucinations are produced by our subconcious'
  • William James - take it seriously, religious experiences happen to so many people all around the world, they change lives
  • Wittgenstein - religious experiences have meaning for those who interpret them, something meaning full happened to them, it may seem crazy but it is their way of understanding
  • Vedas - 'lead me from the unreal to the real'
  • Pslam 19 - 'the heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands'