Genesis 1:27 - 'So, God created man inhis own image, in the image ofGod he created them; male and female hecreated them'
I Corinthians 14:34 - 'Women should remain silentin churches. They arenot allowed to speak...for it is disgracefulfor a woman tospeak in the church'
Laws of Manu: 'where women are respected, there lives God'
Matthew 7:12/ The Golden Rule - 'Do to others whatyou would have themdo to you'
Galatians 3:28 - 'There is neither Jewnor Greek, slave nor free, nor is there maleor female, for you all areon in Christ Jesus'
Acts 10:24 - 'God does not showfavouritism'
Bhagavad Gita - 'I look upon allcreatures equally'
Matthew 28/ The Great Commission - 'Therefore, go and make disciplesof all nations, baptizing them in thename of the Fatherand of the Sonand of the HolySpirit, and teaching them toobey everything I havecommanded you'
Pope Benedict - 'The human person hasa right to religiousfreedom'
Martin Luther King Jnr - 'Love is the onlyforce capable of transformingan enemy into afriend'
Desmund Tutu - 'If you are neutral in situations or injustice, you have chosen the side of the opressor'
Leviticus 18 - 'Do no thave sexualrelations with a manas one does witha women; that is detestable'
Desmund Tutu - 'I would rather go to hell than worship a homophonic God'
Catechism of the Catholic Church - 'Homosexual persons are called to chastity'
Reverend Sharon Ferguson - 'God is not hung up on our sexuality'
Matthew 25:30 - 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did forone of the leastof these brothers andsisters of mine, you did for me'
Isaiah 1:17 - 'Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend theoppressed. Take up thecause of the fatherless; plead the case ofthe widow'
Martin Luther King Jnr - 'Injustice anywhere is athreat to justice everywhere'
Upanishads - 'None can possibly hope to attain immortality through wealth'
Rig Veda - 'One may amass wealth with hundredsof hands, but one should also distribute it with thousandsof hands'
Luke 10:27/ Parable of the Good Samaritan - 'Love you neighbour asyourself'
Proverbs 22:22 - 'Do not exploit the poor because they are poor'
2 Thessalonians - 'The one is isunwilling to work shallnot eat'
James 2:17 - 'Faith by itself, if it is notaccompanied by action, is dead'
Mark 10:25 - 'It is easier for a camel to passthrough the eye ofa needle, that for a richman to enter thekingdom of God'
Matthew 6:34 - 'You cannot serve twomasters... You cannot serveboth God and money'
Discrimination: Action that comes from prejudice
Human Rights Act: UK law which protects the rights ofindividuals and allows a challenge when these are breached
Interest: Money paid back on loans aside from the original amount loaned
Loan: Amount of money borrowed from a lender, usually paid back in instalments with interest
People trafiicking: Illegal trade of humans for slavery
Social Justice: Bringing justice to society so that all within a society have the same opportunities and can take advantage of them
Absolute poverty: Condition of life so characterised by malnutrition, illiteracy, disease, high infant mortality and low life expectancy as to be beneath any reasonable definition of human dignity
Causes of poverty: Natural Disasters, Conflict, Debt, Trade, Education and child labour
Deuteronomy 15:11 - 'There will always besome people who arepoor and in need, and so I commandyou to be generousto them'
Christians have a duty to care for those in need. Giving is an important part of Christian Life
Christians must help the needy; by doing this, they are helping God
All humans are created in the image of God' Genesis 1:27; we are all equal in God's eyes - we therefore have a responsibility to help all poeple