microscopy and cell structure

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  • drawing diagrams rules
    -clear, single lines
    -no shading or colour
    -scale included
    -cells or tissues in correct proportions
    -label lines in pencil
  • magnification
    the degree to which the size of an image is larger than the object itself
  • resolution
    the degree to which it is possible to distinguish between two close objects as being separate. The higher the resolution, the greater the detail you can see
  • animal cells are between 10-50μm (0.01 mm – 0.05 mm)
  • plant cells are between 10-100μm (0.01 mm – 0.10 mm)
  • bacterial cells are around 1 μm (0.001 mm)
  • The nucleus is around 10 μm in diameter
  • Mitochondria are 5-7 μm long
  • Diameter of a ribosome – 18-22nm
  • If the object is smaller than half the wavelength of radiation used to view it, the object cannot be see
  • light microscopes
    -use lenses to focus rays of light to produce a clear image
    -different objective lenses give different levels of magnification
    -specimens must be cut very thinly
    -specimens must be stained to provide contrast
  • electron microscopes
    -A beam of electrons is used to create the image, which overcomes the problem of poor resolution using light microscopes
    -When electrons are free from their nucleus they are very energetic and have a very short wavelength so EM are capable of much higher magnifications and better resolution than light microscopes
    -very large and expensive and need special training to use
  • Transmission Electron Microscope

    -a beam of light is used to focus on the specimen
    -electrons pass through thinly cut specimen to produce a 2d image
    -magnification- 500,000 x
  • the smaller the value for resolution, the better the resolution
  • Scanning Electron Microscopes

    -electron beam is directed onto the specimen through a vacuum. condenser and objective lenses focus the beam
    -electrons bounce off the surface of the specimen and are sensed by a detector to produce a 3d image
    -mag- 100,000
    -res- 5-50nm
  • Laser Scanning confocal microscopes

    -uses laser beams instead of beams of light
    -specimen must be tagged with fluorescent dye
    -laser beam is directed onto a beam splitter, which directs the beam onto the specimen which then emits the fluorescent dye.
    -pinhole just before the detector ensures a clear and sharp image
  • advantaged of LSCM
    -produces clearer images than LM
    -can focus on objects at different depths- depth selectivity
    -multiple images can be layered to make a 3d image
    -high levels of contrast so can be easily identified