Strong and Weak Acids

Cards (16)

  • aqueous solution means dissolved in water.
  • When an Acid splits it has ionised. Allowing Hydrogen ions to be alone.
  • Strong acids FULLY ionise (in water). Whereas Weak acids PARTIALLY ionise.
  • A) Hydrochloric Acid
  • A) Sulfuric
  • A) Nitric Acid
  • Weak acids have reversible reactions.
  • In a reversible reaction there is equilbrium between products and reactants.
  • A) Weak
  • Stronger Acids have a lower pH
  • Concentration measures how much acid is in a volume of water
  • The more acid in a liquid, the more concentrated the acid is.
  • The Strength of an acid is how well it ionises. The concentration of an acid is the volume of acid.
  • A solution decreases from pH 6 to pH 5. 

    By what factor has the concentration of hydrogen ions increased?
    x10 as you go down it adds another 0
  • Do metals react more violently with water or acid?

  • Metal + Acid -> Salt + Hydrogen