Cloward and Ohlin

Cards (6)

  • Cloward and Ohlin
    • Agrees with Merton that w/c boys are more likely to commit crimes because they lack legitimate opportunities
    • Don't believe everyone reacts by turning to utilitarian crime, some result to violence
    • Reason for difference = unequal access to legitimate opportunities but also to unequal opportunity structure
  • Criminal subcultures
    • Adult criminals can train youths with correct abilities and provide them with opportunities on the criminal ladder
    • Apprenticeship in utilitarian crime = neighborhood with longstanding, stable subculture and hierarchy of professional adult crime
  • Conflict subculture
    • Arise in areas with high population turnover (many people moving in and out) > prevents stable adult professional criminal network from developing > only illegitimate opportunities are within loosely organised gangs
    • Violence provides a release of frustration at blocked opportunities > status gained from winning turf from a rival gang
  • Retreatist subcultures
    "Double failures" = fail at both legitimate and illegitimate opportunity structures often turn to drugs and join a dropout subculture
  • Strengths of Cloward and Ohlin
    Try to explain different types of w/c deviance in terms of subcultures unlike Merton
  • Weaknesses of Cloward and Ohlin
    • Ignore crimes of wealthy, over-predicting w/c crime
    • Draws distinctions too sharply between different subcultures often show the characteristics of more than one type
    • E.g. Smith's study on drug gangs = conflict subcultures combined with criminal subculture