Nuclear reactions, including fission,fusion and radioactive decay can be used to generate energy.
Fission is the splitting of a large nucleus into two smaller nuclei
Fusion is the joining of two light nuclei into a larger nucleus
If a neutron hits a large nucleus like U-235, it makes it unstable, and the nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei and neutrons, releasing kinetic energy
In this way, the neutrons produced by the initial reaction with uranium and the neutron can cause a chain reaction
Graphite is used as a moderator in fission
The purpose of a moderator is to absorb some of the kinetic energy of the neutrons to slow them down
Control rods are either made of boron or cadmium
The purpose of control rods is to absorb the neutrons and completely remove them from the fission process
Control rods help adjust the rate of nuclear fission in the reactor
A reactor vessel is made out of steel and is surrounded by a concrete layer about 5 metres thick
The concrete prevents any radiation escaping even neutrons
Nuclear fusion is when isotopes of hydrogen collide at high speed, resulting in a greater mass than before
Nuclear fusion is the source of energy for stars and our sun
For nuclear fusion to occur, high temperatures are needed to overcome the repulsive force between the positively charged nuclei of each isotope
High pressures are also needed to increase the chance of nuclear fusion