
Cards (15)

  • Risk factor - aspects of people's lifestyle or substance in people or environment which can increase the chance of getting disease
  • Tar and nicotine damage alveoli in lungs and arteries
  • Obesity can cause type 2 diabetes , reduces body sensitivity to insulin and can cause heart diseases
  • Alcohol can cause Liver disease and impaired brain as it is toxic for liver cells and damage neurones
  • Exposure to carcinogens causes cancer as damages dna in cells
  • correlations mean that they are related to certain deseases but don't necessarily cause it
  • Casual mechanism - how one factor influences another through a biological process
  • non-communicable diseases are very expensive and global economy suffers too as it reaches young and working class people
  • Tumour cells divide rapidly
  • Benign tumours - growth of abnormal cells contained in one place usually within a membrane . Doesn't spread but can get large quickly
  • Malignant tumour - cancerous tumour that can spread to other parts of the body, invading healthy tissues
  • Cause of cancer : Genetic factor
    Result of mutations
    Ionising radiation
  • Treat cancer by Radiotherapy (cancer cell destroyed by radiation) and Chemotherapy(Chemicals are used to either stop cancer cells dividing or make them "self destruct")
  • Stents (solution to Coronary heart disease) - keeps the arteries open to allow blood to flow through
    • Effective in lowering risk of heart attack
    • Recovery time from surgery is quick
    • Risk of blood clot near stent (thrombosis) , Risk of heart attack or infection during procedure
  • Statins - Decreases level of LDL (which leads to coronory heart disease)
    • Reduce risk of strokes and heart disease and attack
    • Increase level of HDL(Good cholestrol)
    • Side affects , Need to be taken consistently
    • may not have immediate effect