Descriptive Statistics

    Cards (25)

    • what do measures of central tendency do?
      averages that give infomation on the most typical values in a set of data
    • how do you calculate mean
      adding up all of the results and dividing the sum by the total number of results
    • whats a + of mean
      it includes all the scores/values so is more representative than other methods
    • whats a - of mean
      one very large or small can make the mean distorted
    • how do you calculate median
      place number in order & determine middle number
    • whats a + of median
      less affected by extreme scores
    • whats a - of median
      less sensitive than the mean, not all scores are included
    • whats the mode
      the most frequently occurring value in a set of data
    • what is it called if there is 2 modes
    • whats a + of mode
      easy to calculate, but only possible if data measured is categorical
    • whats a - of mode
      could be very different from mean & median - doesn't represent all the data
    • whats the range
      the difference between the highest and lowest value
    • whats a + of range
      easy to calculate
    • whats a - of range
      can be distorted by extreme values, only takes into account the most extreme & not a fair spread of the scores
    • what is the measure of dispersion
      based on the spread of scores - how far the scores vary from one another
    • what is standard deviation
      measure telling you how far Ps deviated from the mean
    • what does a larger SD mean

      the greater the dispersion
    • what does a larger SD suggest
      not all PS affected by the IV in the same way
    • what does a smaller SD mean
      data is tightly clustered around the mean
    • what does a smaller SD suggest
      Ps responded in a similar way
    • what is a + of SD
      much more precise than the range - includes all scores
    • whats a - of SD
      can be distorted by extreme values but less distorted than the range
    • what is preferred order of averages
      mean, median, mode
    • what are the 3 measures of central tendency
      mean, mode, median
    • what are the 2 measures of dispersion
      range and standard deviation
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