Lighting types

Cards (11)

  • What are the 2 categories that light can be split into?
    • Natural (sunlight, moonlight, firelight etc)
    • Artificial (man-made light)
  • What does 'ambient lighting' refer to?
    • Lights that are on location that weren't brought by the crew
  • What does 'practical lighting' refer to?
    • Any light source that can be seen in the frame, whether it's ambient or been placed there.
  • What does 'motivated lighting' mean?
    • There's a logical or reasonable justification for the light in the scene
  • What does 'lux' or 'footcandles' refer to?
    • It's the amount of the light that reaches a subject
  • What does 'reflective light' mean?
    • It's the amount of light that reaches the camera
  • What does the amount of light depend on?
    • Strength of the source
    • Its position in relation to the subject
    • As soon as light leaves the source it begins to lose intensity (light falloff)
  • How can we predict how much light is lost?
    • Inverse square law equation
  • What's the equation for inverse square law in this context?
    • intensity of light= 1/distance squared
    • Whenever you double the distance away from the source, the light is reduced by 75%
  • What is colour temperature measured in?
    • Kelvins
  • How can you imitate daylight using light sources?
    • Daylight has a value of 5600 Kelvin
    • You can use artificial light sources with the same temperature