Carbon Footprint

Cards (11)

  • CO2 is a greenhouse gas that causes global warming
  • Humans and their activities contribute significantly to the increase in CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.
  • Your carbon footprint is a very powerful tool for understanding the impact of your lifestyle on global warming.
  • The best way to calculate CO2 emissions is based on fuel consumption.
  • The amount of energy you use to heat your home
  • Your use of electrical and electronic equipment
  • your daily transport
  • how often you use air transport
  • Climate change, desertification, overgrazing, the collapse of fish stocks, food insecurity, rapid extinction of species all form part o a single issue: humans demand more from the earth that it can provide.
  • Reducing one's carbon footprint is probably the most urgent step to take in the long term to ensure survival of life on earth
  • Possible actions to reduce your carbon footprint:
    • Insulate your home- it reduces the amount of energy needed to heat the house in winter and cool in summer
    • Buy energy saving equipment
    • Use alternative energy sources
    • Support local produce or grow own
    • Switch off electronics at the wall
    • Walk, cycle or use public transport
    • Use less air transport
    • Reduce, re-use and recycle