Learning theory of attachment

Cards (12)

  • What is the classical conditioning learning theory of attachment?
    Before conditioning:
    UCS -> UCR
    Food -> happy
    NS = caregiver
    During conditioning:
    UCS+NS -> UCR
    Food + caregiver = happy
    After conditioning:
    CS -> CR
    Caregiver -> happy
  • What is the operant conditioning learning theory of attachment?
    For baby:
    When the baby cries, it gets food. The baby enjoys food - it is a positive reward. The baby is positively reinforced to cry to receive food in the future.
    For caregiver:
    The baby cries. The caregiver feeds the baby and it stops crying, removing a negative stimulus. The caregiver is negatively reinforced to keep feeding the baby to stop the crying.
  • Who invented the learning theory of attachment?
    Dollard & Miller
  • What is the learning theory of attachment?
    Attachment is learned through processes like classical and operant conditioning, and the attachment bond is not an innate behaviour.
  • What is classical conditioning?

    Learning through association
  • What is operant conditioning?

    Learning through positive and negative reinforcement
  • What is a primary reinforcer?

    Something that directly satisfies a primary drive e.g. food
  • What is a secondary reinforcer?

    Something that is associated with a primary reinforcer
  • What is the Harlow contradiction evaluation of the learning theory?
    P= Contradicted by Harlow's study
    E= Monkey's given choice of 2 mothers: a wire with milk bottle and cloth-covered with no milk bottle. Monkeys chose cloth-covered; highlights preference for contact comfort over food
    E= Suggests food isn't primary reason for attachment
    CA= The implications of transferring results of a study done on monkeys to humans
  • What is the reductionist evaluation of the learning theory?
    P= Learning theory is reductionist
    E= Only considers food as driving force behind attachment formation and quality, doesn't consider other factors like sensitive responses
    E= Makes explanation over-simplistic
  • What is the Schaffer & Emerson contradiction evaluation of the learning theory?
    P= Contradicted by Schaffer & Emerson study
    E= Visited infants in homes to establish how attachments form. Found that infants become attached to who spent most time sensitively responding to their needs.
    E= Weakens assumptions of the learning theory.
  • What is the little albert evaluation of the learning theory?
    P= Supported by case of Little Albert
    E= When a loud noise was continuously paired with a white rat, he was conditioned to fear rats. (classical conditioning) Shows humans can learn through association
    E= Shows learning theory likely plays a part in attachment formation