inferential statistics

Cards (5)

  • what are levels of measurements and what are the three levels
    Quantitative data can be organised into different levels and these levels determine how precise the data is. The higher the level, the more precise the data is
    1. nominal
    2. ordinal
    3. interval
  • what is nominal data
    can be organised into categories data
    discrete data
    can only use the modal value
  • what is ordinal data
    data that can be ordered or ranked (e.g. test scores, IQ, self-report scales)
    intervals between each number are not equal
    isn't very precise as the orders are subjectively decided by the researcher
    due to this is it called 'unsafe' data
    can use the median, mode and range
  • what is interval data
    data that follows accepted units of measurement and has equal intervals
    most precise level of data
    parametric statistical tests can only use interval data
    can use mean, median, mode, range and standard deviation
  • what are statistical tests used for 

    used to determine whether results were simply due to chance or they would happen if we repeated the study
    they generate calculated values that we can compare against pre-made tables of values (known as critical value tables