Nature VS Nurture

    Cards (10)

    • (AO1) What is the debate about?
      The nature nurture debate asks to what extent behaviour is exclusively due to nature (biological factors) or nurture (environmental factors)
    • (AO1) Define nature
      Behaviour determined by biological processes. This emphasises innate processes, inheritance and evolution.
    • (AO1) What is nativism?
      Refers to individuals who adopt an extreme nature view, believing that certain characteristics are biologically determined by genetic inheritance e.g. eye colour, hair colour.
    • (AO1) Give two examples of Nature
      Genetic explanations (e.g. schizophrenia)
      Evolutionary explanations (e.g. Bowlby’s attachment theory)
    • (AO1) Define nurture
      Refers to behaviour determined by environmental factors.
    • (AO1) What is Empiricism?
      Relates to people who have an extreme nurture view, believing that the human mind is a tabula rasa (blank slate that is gradually filled as a result of experience). This view promotes learning as an explanation for behaviour and development.
    • (AO1) Give two examples of nurture
      Behaviourism (e.g. phobias)
      The social learning theory (e.g. Bandura and aggression)
    • (AO3) Is the debate clear cut
      One issues with the debate is = Point: Recent psychologists ask, not whether nature or nurture has caused behaviour but instead assess the contribution of each.

      Evidence: Because the roles of each are difficult to separate due to the interactive relationship between the two = difficult to isolate variables & support either side of the debate.

      Evaluate: Schizophrenia may have a genetic component, but may also be triggered by a stressful life event like for example a loss of a pet = suggests debate not dichotomy, both be considered together.
    • (AO3) Nature affect nurture?
      Point: Genes impact action in environment (Plomin)

      Evidence: Relationship between genes and environment influenced in three ways

      Passive: Parents provide both genes and environment that promotes certain traits (e.g. musically talented child = due to music parents who also creates a musical environment for children)

      Reactive: Genetically distinct individuals evoke different reactions (music children selected for special training)

      Active: Ppl seek experiences that match their genetic traits (music children seeking out musical friends) Nature primary role
    • (AO3) Does nurture affect nature?
      Point: Important to consider how nurture can affect nature through brain neuroplasticity.

      Evidence: Neuroplasticity = brain's ability to change/adapt because of new experiences. E.g. shown by Maguire et al (2000). Examined London taxi drivers who had undergone spatial navigation training. Found their grey matter in the hippocampus increased (brain area associated with spatial awareness).

      Evaluate: Suggests environmental factors such as learning + experience can shape biological systems.
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