Culture Bias

Cards (15)

  • Cultural Relativism is the appreciation that behaviour varies between cultures
  • Ethnocentrism is emphasising the importance of one's own culture
  • Pike (1954) came up with the Etic and Emic approaches
  • The Etic approach is looking at a group from the 'outside' using our culture's standards
  • The Emic approach is looking at a group from the 'inside'
  • The Strange Situation involved beta bias and ethnocentrism as it uses Western norms and standards to compare to other cultures
  • Alpha bias is the exaggeration of differences
  • Beta bias is the minimisation of differences
  • Alpha bias can improve understanding of cultures by finding differences
  • Alpha bias can cause devaluation of cultures by overlooking similarities
  • Beta bias can improve equality and access by providing equal treatment
  • Beta bias can make it harder for an overlooked culture who needs recognition
  • Culture bias can be reduced by using equal opportunity legislation, reflexivity, and Indigenous psychology
  • Reflexivity is the ability to reflect on one's own potential bias and subjectivity
  • Indigenous psychology is when native psychologists develop theories for their own culture