Teeth (chp.4)

Cards (6)

  • Teeth
    1. Incisor, chisel shape used to cut and bite
    2. Canine, pointed used to tear
    3. Pre-molar, flat + cusped used to grind
    4. Molar, flat + cusped used to grind and crush
  • The tooth
    Made form 2 main areas
    1. The crown, above the gum
    2. The root, below the gum
  • Tooth structure
    1. Enamel: hard outer covering of the crown
    2. Dentine: bony substance inside the enamel & cement
    3. Cement: outer covering of the root, keeps the tooth in place
    4. Pulp cavity: in the centre of tooth, contains cells & blood vessels
  • Tooth decay
    Caused by acid that is produced by bacteria in plaques
  • How to prevent tooth decay
    • Brush and floss regularly
    • Avoid sweet food
    • Eat cheese after meals
    • Visit dentist regularly
  • Enzyme digestion
    • Starch is made of many glucose molecules bonded together
    • When food enters the mouth, it is mixed with saliva(amylase)
    • Amylase converts the starch in the food to maltose(smaller molecules)
    • The food reaches the small intestine & is mixed with lots of enzymes including maltase
    • Maltase converts all maltose into glucose molecules that can be absorbed by the body