Homeostasis and response

Cards (25)

  • Enzymes and cells need very stable conditions to work
  • homeostasis is the regulation of the internal conditions of a cell or organism to maintain optimum conditions for function in response to internal and external changes
  • the automatic control system includes hormones and the nervous system
  • receptor cells detect a change in stimulus and pass the info onto the coordinator
  • the coordinators are the brain and the spinal chord
  • coordinators receive and process info from the sensory receptors and send it to the effector
  • an effector is a muscle or a gland that responds to a stimulus
  • the central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal chord
  • the peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves branching off the CNS
  • Reflex arc
    . Stimulus detected by receptor
    . Electrical impulse pass from receptor along a sensory neurone to a coordinator
    . The synapse at the end of the sensory neurone release neurotransmitters which trigger the impulse in the relay neurone
    . the synapse at the relay neurone also release neurotransmitters which trigger the response in the motor neurone
    .the impulse passes down the motor neurone to an effector
  • reflexes require no decision making which makes it fast and automatic
  • the cerebellum controls balance and coordinates movements
  • the medulla controls heart and breathing rate
  • the cerebral cortex controls language, memory and consciousness
  • the hypothalamus produces the hormone that regulates the body
  • the pituitary gland secretes hormone that controls growth, metabolism, sexual maturity and blood pressure
  • the brain is hard to treat as it is tricky to access due to the skull, it has a complex structure and it is delicate
  • Ways to investigate the brain
    . investigate patients with brain damage
    . electrical stimulation
    . MRI scans
  • the eye is a sense organ that contains receptors that detect light intensity and colour
  • the cornea is a transparent layer which light passes through and focuses on the retina
  • the iris is the coloured part of the eye with an pupil which it controls depending on light intensity
  • the lens changes shape to focus light onto the retina (accommodation )
  • the retina contains receptor cells to see light intensity and colour and sends impulses down the optic nerve to the brain
  • the sclera is the tough outer structure that protects the eye
  • the ciliary muscles and the suspensory ligaments allow us to focus on near and distant objects