Jewish people in medieval England

Cards (9)

  • Jewish people did not have to pay tolls and custom duties and rights of inheritance were guaranteed
  • They were property of the king and he could tax them whenever he wanted
  • Christians were not allowed to charge interest for lending money (usury) but Jewish people were, meaning that some Christians were jealous of them and when a Jewish money leader died with no will, the king could collect the debts owed to him
  • Christians regarded money lending as unchristian and were angry that it allowed Jewish people to become more wealthy
  • Jewish people were accused of being ‘Christ killers’
  • In 1194, Jewish people were required to pay £3375 towards Richard’s ransom
  • John demanded tallage on the Jewish people of £2700
  • John demanded one tenth of the value of their loans
  • In 1210, John demanded a tallage of £44000 and began arresting Jewish people