Cards (24)

  • What is the actus reus of assault?
    Actions or words which cause V to apprehend immediate unlawful force
  • What is the mens rea of assault?
    Intentionally or recklessly causing V to apprehend immediate unlawful force
  • Name 2 cases on assault
    Smith V woking police and tuberville v savage
  • What is meant by the term common assault?
    Assault and battery
  • What is the actus reus of battery?
    Applying unlawful force to another person
  • What is the mens rea of battery?
    Intentionally or recklessly applying unlawful force to V
  • Name 2 cases on battery
    DPP v K and Collins v Wilcock
  • How does assault differ from battery?
    Assault does not require any touching, just actions or words whereas Battery requires unlawful force.
  • What is the actus reus of s.47?
    Assault or battery which causes Actual Bodily Harm
  • What is the mens rea of s.47?
    DPP v Smith and Savage
  • What is the actus reus of s.20?
    Wounding or inflicting grievous bodily harm.
  • What is the mens rea of s.20?
    Intentionally or recklessly causing some harm
  • Name a case on s.20
  • What is the actus reus of s.18?
    Wounding or causes grievous bodily harm
  • What is the mens rea of s.18?
    Intention to cause GBH or intention to resist arrest.
  • Name a case on s.18

  • How does s.18 differ from s.20?
    The MR of s.18 is what makes the offence so serious compared to s.20 (with intent)
  • What is meant by a 'wound'?
    Breaking of the skin, not internal bleeding
  • What is meant by 'grievous bodily harm'?
    Serious harm
  • Replace s.18 with...
    Intentionally causing serious injury
    Crown court; life
  • Replace s.20 with...
    Recklessly causing serious injury
    Either Way; 7 years
  • Replace s.47 with...
    Intentionally or recklessly causing injury Either way; 5 years
    and aggravated assault Mag's Court; 12 months
  • Replace Battery with...
    Physical assault Mag's Court; 6 months
  • Replace assault with...
    Threatened Assault Mag's Court; 6 months