Cards (13)

  • Cross-section - refers to a vertical cut through the road or rail alignment, showing the layout of the different components and layers from a side view. It provides a detailed view of how the roadway or track is designed and constructed,
  • A rumble strip - To reduce the number and severity of roadway departure crashes, or run-off-the-road and cross-center line crashes on 2-lane, rural, undivided roads. It alerts drivers when they are deviating from their lane. It consists of a series of raised or grooved patterns that produce noise and vibrations when a vehicle's tires make contact.
  • JUNCTIONS - is a location where multiple roads intersect, allowing vehicular traffic to change from one road to another.
  • LINEAR VILLAGE - is that part of a (transit) road that lies within a built-up area.
  • Traffic calming is the combination of mainly physical measures that reduce the negative effect of moto vehicle use, alter driver behavior and improve conditions for non-motorized street users.
    Diverging Diamond Interchange - This innovation interchange, is sometimes called a “double crossover diamond.
    Echelon Interchange - This innovative interchange is designed to accommodate two high-volume streets. It introduces a bridge, splitting traffic into two levels, creating two separate intersections of one-way streets. Because there is no opposing traffic for left turn there is more green light time for all movements.
    Single Point Interchange- All traffic is controlled by a single set of traffic signals located in the center of the intersection.
  • Traffic signs or road signs are signs erected at the side of or above roads to give instructions or provide information to the users.
  • A STOP sign is a traffic sign to notify drivers to completely halt while YIELD means to slow down to a point.
  • WARNING SIGN - Alert to hazards or changing in conditions such as changes in road layout, proximity to a school zone, sharp turn, etc.
  • GUIDE SIGN - Indicates route markers, distance, and destination
    signs and informational signs.
  • CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE ROAD WORK SIGN - The work areas are protected from traffic by an orange (or yellow) warning sign during the construction or repair works It helps to guide pedestrians and vehicle traffic safely through a work zone and past any hazard