localisation of function

    Cards (9)

    • localisation
      Different areas of the brain are responsible for different behaviours/processes/activities
    • 4 lobes in the brain
      -frontal lobe
      -parietal lobe
      -temporal lobe
      -occipital lobe
    • motor area
      -in the frontal lobe
      -responsible for (fine) voluntary movement
      -if damaged, can be loss of control over movements
    • somatosensory area
      -in the parietal lobe
      -produces sensations linked to temperature, pain etc
      -if damaged, numbing/tingling sensations
    • visual area
      -in the occipital lobe
      -sends visual info to the visual cortex
      -if damaged, can cause blindness (partial) in both eyes
    • auditory area
      -in the temporal lobe
      -analyses speech-based info
      -if damaged, can cause a loss of hearing
    • Broca's area
      -in left frontal lobe
      -speech production
      -if damaged, get Broca's aphasia (lack fluent speech)
    • Wernicke's area
      -in left temporal lobe
      -language understanding/comprehension
      -if damaged, get Wernicke's aphasia (produce nonsense words but fluent)
    • AO3
      -supporting evidence: neurosurgery. Targets specific parts of the brain to treat mental disorders (linked to damaged areas of the brain). Dougherty et al (2002): ppts who had surgery for OCD had decreased symptoms. Increases validity.
      -case study: Phineas Gage. Freak accident, lost most of FL, personality changed. Increases validity. HOWEVER, case study = not representative, lack population validity. Can't apply to LOF.

      -language may not be localised to B+W. 2% of researchers think other parts of the brain are involved in language. fMRIs = language is distributed in the brain. Contradicts & decreases validity of LOF.