Independent and Dependent variables

    Cards (4)

    • Operationalisation:
      • A term which describes when a variable is defined by the researcher in a way that there is no confusion about its meaning. It means that the variable can be researched in a valid way.
      • Operationalisation can be applied to independent variables (IV), dependent variables (DV) or co variables (in a correlational design)
    • Independent Variable
      The independent variable is the variable that is changed.
      E.g. Bob is doing a study into whether people are aggressive on hot days.
      The independent variable would be the temperature outside (hot or cold)
    • Dependent variable
      The dependent variable is the variable which is MEASURED.
      E.g. Bob is doing a study into whether people are aggressive on hot days.
      The dependent variable would be the number of swear words recorded in a town centre.
      We MUST make the dependent variable measurable (numerical) to get marks.
    • Levels of Independent Variables
      In order to test the effect of an independent variable we need different experimental conditions.
      So we could:
      Use the same group of participants at different times
      Use two groups of participants one group is experimental condition and the other control condition.