
Cards (5)

  • What is meant by Liberum Arbitrium (freewill) argument?

    Gods sovereignty is compatible with human free will. God's sovereignty is not undermined by allowing humans the freedom to make choices, including the acceptance or rejection of God's offer of salvation.
  • what is meant by conditional election?

    God's choice to save individuals is based on his foreknowledge of their response to his offer of grace.
  • what is meant by pessimistic will?
    God desires all to be saved, He allows individuals the freedom to reject His offer of salvation.
  • what is universal atonement?
    Christ's sacrifice is sufficient for the salvation of all. God's sovereignty is expressed in the universal offer of salvation to everyone.
  • what did Arminian's suggest about responsive relationship?
    the relational aspect of God's sovereignty. they argue that God's sovereignty is expressed in His responsiveness relationship with humanity, engaging with individuals in a personal and dynamic manner.