The mechanism by which the balance of water and dissolvedsolutes is maintained
Water balance is a negativefeedbacksystem that relies on the hypothalamus in the brain. The hypothalamus contains osmoreceptor cells, which can detect changes in the waterpotential of the blood passing through the brain
The hypothalamus controls the sensation of thirst and secretion of ADH. ADH is stored in the pituitary gland, and its target cells are the endothelial cells of the collecting ducts of the kidney nephrons
How is ADH involved in the osmoregulation of a dehydrated person?
ADH travels in the blood of the capillary from the pituitary gland to the collecting duct
ADH is detected by receptors on the collecting duct endothelial cells
this causes porous vesicles containing aquaporins to move and fuse with the cell membrane of the endothelial cells
so the cell membrane becomes porous (permeable to water)
there is a high water potential in the collecting duct lumen and a low water potential in the capillary
so water moves from the collecting duct lumen to the blood in the capillary
Low water potential in the blood -> moreADH secreted -> morewater is reabsorbed into the blood -> a small volume of concentrated urine is produced
High water potential in the blood -> lessADHsecreted -> lesswater is reabsorbed into the blood -> a large volume of dilute urine is produced