Cards (5)

  • What four things did Davis and Moore believe must happen for society to function efficiently?
    • All roles must be filled
    • The roles must be filled by those best able to perform them
    • Necessary training must take place
    • All roles must be preformed consciously
  • In order for Davis and Moore's system to work what is required?
    Unequal rewards must be attached to different positions in society.
  • According to Davis and Moore which jobs would receive the highest rewards?
    Jobs that are functionally important.
  • Davis and Moore's theory encourages competition in society, what would this result in?
    Those most able to perform the role being given the role.
  • What are the four key criticisms of Davis and Moore's theory?
    1. It's difficult to say what jobs are 'functionally important'. E.g those who clean the workspace are as vital to the running of the business as the managers.
    2. The elite will always attempt to preserve their power and privilege so it doesn't necessarily mean all roles will be filled by the most suitable individual.
    3. Simply possessing a high level of qualifications doesn't mean that an individual is best suited.
    4. Stratification isn't a necessity, it creates levels of mistrust between those at the top and those at the bottom.