Cards (8)

  • Relevant - 1945-80 -> Labour male-dominated due to relationship with trade unions whilst Cons appealed to housewives with focus on family life. Then, Lab challenged this lead by focussing on NHS, education and social care whilst Cons focussed on defence and EU
  • Relevant - relevance shown when comparing with age
  • Relevant - 2017, among 18-24, 18% women voted Cons and 73% voted Lab
  • Relevant - 2019, among 18-24, 65% women voted Lab but only 46% men
  • Not relevant - gender gap is very minimal
  • Not relevant - 1979, party preference evenly split between men and women only had a slight preference for Cons
  • Not relevant - 1997, Lab closed gender gap
  • Not relevant - 2015, Cons won similar share, 37% men and 38% women