Cards (28)

  • Victor Hugo - Author of Les Miserables.
  • In order to efficiently narrate a story, author's will use different approaches and techniques to draw out its essence. One can use a graphic organizer to identify the elements in texts, stories, narratives, or any other written outputs.
  • "Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise" - Victor Hugo
  • Victor Hugo - A famous french novelist who's the author of "Les Miserables"
  • Victor Hugo - He was concerned about political issues like education, human rights, and injustice.
  • Victor hugo started writing Les Miserables in 1845 and finished in 1861.
  • The novel "Les Miserables" is about social misery and injustice
  • Les Miserables has 5 parts
  • Each part of Les Miserables are divided into books
  • Les Miserables is lengthy, exceeding 1200 pages.
  • Les Miserables - Literally "The miserable ones"
  • Les Miserables - Is considered as one of the greatest novel in 19th century.
  • Les Miserables follows the interaction of french characters, starting in 1815 and culminating in the 1832 June Rebellion.
  • June Rebellion - Also known as Paris Uprising
  • June Rebellion - Was a brief and bloody insurrection of the Parisian republicans in 1832 against the newly-established french monarchy of Louis Philippe.
  • The novel focuses on the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his experience of redemption.
  • "Not being heard is no reason for silence" Victor Hugo
  • Threshold - Any place or point of entering or beginning.
  • Stupefaction - The feeling of distress and disbelief when something bad happens accidentally
  • Venerable - Commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity
  • Bewildered - Perplexed and confused; very puzzled
  • Perdition - (In Christian Theology) A state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unpenitent person passes after death.
  • Major Characters in Les Miserables
    • Jean Valjean
    • Bishop M. Myriel
  • Jean Valjean - introduced as prisoner number 24601
  • Jean Valjean - Ex-convict who was previously sentenced to 19 years of prison for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his sister's starving children, and an attempt to escape prison.
  • Bishop M. Myriel - Referred to as Bishop Myriel or Bishop Monseigneur Bienvenu.
  • Bishop M. Myriel - Turned Valjean's life around when he lied to save him from prison.
  • Bishop M. Myriel - His kindness serves as a driving force behind Jean Valjean's change of heart.