!!! sampling

    Cards (12)

    • representative sample
      participants in the sample are similar to those in the population
      similar = gender, class, ethnic status, intelligence etc
    • techniques - random sampling
      • all population has an equal chance of being selected
      • can be done by computer generating, names/numbers in a hat, pin technique (half for condition 1, half for condition 2)
    • random sampling evaluation
      • no researcher bias
      • may not be representative
    • techniques - opportunity sampling
      • selected based on who is willing and avaliable at the time of the study
    • opportunity sampling evaluation
      • practically efficient way of producing a sample of data quickly weaknesses
      • may not be representative, so cannot be generalised
      • not random as researcher chooses the sample, so there is bias
    • techniques - systematic sampling
      • every nth member selected, population is divided by sample size
    • systematic sampling evaluation
      • reduces sampling bias - not chosen by researcher
      • not based on who is avaliable at the time of the study
      • may not be representative - so cannot be generalised e.g., every nth person could be male
    • techniques - volunteer sampling
      people respond to an advert and come forward to take part
    • volunteer sampling evaluation
      • gathering the sample takes little effort
      • less time consuming than other methods
      • may not be representative - cannot generalise as a certain type of person may volunteer
    • techniques - stratified sample
      • strata in the population is identified
      • work out proportions/ratios
      • sample is randomly selected to match population
    • stratified sample evaluation
      • based on ratios - produces a truly representative sample
      • impractical
      • time consuming
    • pilot studies
      • small scale practice investigations
      • carried out prior to main research
      • done to identify potential problems with design, methods or analysis so they can be rectified
      • participants may also suggest changes like making demand characteristics harder to react to or making instructions clearer
      • will improve reliability and validity of the final research
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