Cards (87)

  • scalar quantities have magnitude only
  • vector quanities have size and direction
  • straight diagonal line on distance time graph
    constant speed
  • straight flat line on distance time graph
    stationary ( not moving )
  • upwards curve on distance time graph 

  • on a velocity time graph the gradient tell you the acceleration
  • on a distance time graph the gradient tells you the speed
  • straight diagonal line on velocity time graph
    constant acceleration
  • straight flat line on velocity time graph
    constant velocity
  • the area under the curve on a velocity time graph tells us
    distance traveled
  • weight = mass x field strength
  • the atmosphere is a thin layer of air around the earth
  • the atmosphere gets less dense with increasing altitude
  • air molecules colliding with a surface creates atmospheric pressure
  • the weight of the air decreases the further above ground level we get
  • as height increases there is always less air above a surface
  • pressure = force / area
  • stopping distance = thinking distance + breaking distance
    • thinking distance is the distance a vehicle travels in the time it takes for the driver to apply the brakes after realising they need to stop
    • braking distance is the distance a vehicle travels in the time after the driver has applied the brake
    Reaction times
  • what affects reaction times
    tiredness drugs alcohol
  • reaction time varies from 0.2 - 0.9s
  • stopping distance is the total distance travelled from when the driver first sees obstacle to when it stops
  • thinking distance is distance travelled by the car during drivers reaction time
  • what is the stopping distance
    the total distance traveled from when the driver first spots the obstruction to when the driver stops
  • thinking plus braking equals stopping
  • the greater the speed of the car the greater the stopping distance
  • if you double the velocity of a car the kinetic energy quadruples
  • the kinetic energy of the car is converted to thermal energy in the brakes
  • large decelerations can cause brakes to overheat
  • large decelerations can cause driver to lose control
  • force = mass x acceleration
  • weight = mass x field strength
  • when a force causes an object to move through a distance work is done on the object
  • a force does work when it causes displacement
  • a force does work when it causes what ?

  • pressure = force / area
  • perpendicular force exerts more pressure than a diagonal one because more of the force is directly hitting the surface
  • free body diagrams shows the forces acting on an isolated object or system
  • thinking distance is affected by

    speed of vehicle , reaction time