humanistic approach

Cards (12)

  • assumptions
    -everyone is unique and has free will
    -we do not always act on our free will because of laws, social norms and morals; free will is sometimes restricted
    -individuals are affected by external and internal factors but everyone can determine their own development
  • what are the different types of self according to Rodgers?
    -self = who you think you are
    -ideal self = who you want to be
    -real self = who you actually are
  • congruence
    When our self and ideal self aline/are the same.
  • what is needed for a person to be congruent?
    Similarity between the self and ideal self & self-actualisation.
  • what can be used to help a person become congruent?
    Client-centred therapy.
  • client-centred therapy
    Clients are the experts in their own condition. Therapists should give clients unconditional positive regard to help lessen the gap between their self and ideal self. If people are given conditions of worth they will not meet self-actualisation.
  • unconditional positive regard
    Support and acceptance without conditions: "no matter what..." this can help people become congruent.
  • conditions of worth
    Support and acceptance with conditions: "i'll only love you if..."
    this will stop someone from becoming congruent.
  • what did Maslow develop?
    The hierarchy of needs.
  • hierarchy of needs
    For a person to reach self-actualisation they first need to meet the lower four levels of the hierarchy.
  • self-actualisation
    Self-actualisation is when a person meets their full potential. Self-actualisation is not permanent. If someone has reached self-actualisation they are also congruent.
  • evaluations of the humanistic approach (AO3)
    -not reductionist (holistic). Behaviour is not oversimplified like it is in other approaches (behaviourist).
    -positive approach - humanistic psychologists think that everyone can achieve their full potential and control their one lives - it involves people as a whole not just their behaviours. Optimistic approach.
    -imposed treatments e.g., client-centred therapy

    -cultural bias. Ideas of personal growth are more so associated with individualistic cultures not collectivist cultures. Research that supports this approach cannot be applied to the population as a whole. Etic construct that might be imposed.
    -lack of falsifiability