social learning theory

Cards (9)

  • assumptions
    -people learn through observations and imitations
    -learning happens indirectly
    -if learners observe their role model being reinforced in anyway they will experience vicarious reinforcement
  • vicarious reinforcement
    This is reinforcement that happens through observing someone else being reinforced, it is indirectly occurring.
  • mediational processes
    There are four mediational processes that determine if a new behaviour is is learnt/acquired or not.
    Attention - retention - motor reproduction - motivation.
    learning = attention & retention.
    performance = motor reproduction & motivation.
  • mediational processes: learning
    attention = if behaviours are noticed (stimuli focus)
    retention = if behaviours are remembered (rehearse encode)
  • mediational processes: performance
    motor reproduction = can we perform the behaviour? (practice feedback)
    motivation = the will/ability to reproduce behaviours (reward reinforcement)
  • role model, identification, modelling
    role model = someone we identify ourselves with.
    identification = wanting to be like our role model, associating ourselves with them.
    modelling = imitating our role model's behaviour.
  • who came up with social learning theory?
  • Bandura - Bobo doll study

    aim: to see if behaviours can be learnt through observation and imitation.
    procedures: 72 American children as participants in a matched pair design. Got the participants to observe an adult playing with the Bobo doll (different levels of the IV: aggressive behaviour, non-aggressive behaviour or no role model). Lab experiment.
    findings: children that observed the aggressive role model acted in an aggressive way towards the doll. Children who did not observe the aggressive role model were less likely to be aggressive towards the doll. Children are more likely to imitate their role model's behaviour if the role model is the same-sex as them.
  • evaluations of social learning theory (AO3)
    -real-world application. Social learning theory explains different behaviours and how these are learnt. It can also be used to explain cultural differences within behaviour.

    -use of cognitive factors. SLT looks at the importance of internal mental processes and how people (and animals) store information about other people's behaviours and use this to decide how to behave. SLT is quite holistic.

    -the Bobo doll study took place in a lab setting. The findings cannot be applied to real life behaviour as the research lacks ecological validity.