Tropical Storms

Cards (8)

  • How did it develop over time?
    At 11pm on the 7th of November, the storm of Typhoon Haiyan was 305 - 370 km / h to the Eastern Coast of the Philippines in the Pacific Ocean, heading West.
    At 8am on 8/11, the storm made land fall and hit the capital city of Tacloban at a speed of 280 - 335 km / h.
    The storm then continued West across the land, at speeds of 240 - 295 km / h at 8pm on the 9th of November.
    By 8pm, the storm was travelling West over the Pacific Ocean at speeds of 215 - 260 km / h, slowly dying down till it reached 165 - 205 km / h at 8pm on 10th November when it reached Vietnam.
  • Location
    Philippines, Asia
    Between the Equator and the tropic of Cancer
    The Philippines is an archipelago
    The Capital City is Manila
  • Statistics of Philippines
    Life Expectancy:
    M - 66
    F - 73
    GNI / Capita:
    Multi-hazardous country
  • Facts of the storm
    Category 5, average 195 mph
    400 mm of rainfall in the worst areas
    Storm Surge + Tsunami made waves up to 5m high
    90% of Tacloban was destroyed
  • Primary Effects
    • 6300 deaths
    • 600,000 hectares of farm land flooded
    • 1.1 million tonnes of crops destroyed
    • $13 million damage
  • Secondary Effects
    • Blocked roads caused by landslides
    • Rice prices rose 11.9% (staple part of diet)
    • 5.6 million jobs lost
  • Immediate responses
    • PAGASA broadcast warning 2 days before, so over 750,000 were evacuated
    • Fishermen were warned not to go to work at sea
    • A state of emergency was placed and aid was sent
  • Long-term responses
    • UN raised $300 mil for relief and rebuilding
    • 'No Build Zone' placed in areas most affected
    • Tourism encouraged, income spent on rebuilding