Generally, high expensive and sophisticatedtechnologies are essential at every stage of production
Constructing a large base-metalsmine, developing an oildeposit, or revitalising a strugglingmineralindustry can cost billions of dollars
As a result, these industries require a significant amount of capitalinvestment but employ relatively few workers compared to their size.
Eg. ExxonMobil, the largest non-state oil company, employs 42,000. In contrast, the retailer Walmart employs over 2.1 million workers, and the automobile company Toyota employs more than 300,000
Finding new sources of supply (challenge)
Once an oil well or copper mine is depleted, it cannot be replenished, although technological advancements may allow for some additional extraction
Therefore, companies must continually seek new sources of supply, often using advancedgeochemical, geophysical, and satelliteremotesensing techniques
Maximising yield from these sources (challenges)
Exploration periods can last up to a decade, with many investments ultimately proving unsuccessful
Even successful developments face technical, market (related to demand and price forecasts), political (eg. changes in mining laws) and social/environmental risks
Transporting products to the market (challenges)
A significant challenge is that most easilyaccessible resources have been exploited
New resources are often found in remote or difficult-to-access locations, increasing extractioncosts
Additionally, resources found deep below the surface pose greatertechnicalchallenges