Dispositional- explanation of individual behaviour caused by internal characteristics that reside within the individuals personality
Authoritarian personality
Collection of traits developed from strict parenting
Obedient/ submissive towards people of perceived higher status
Adorno created the F scale in order to test how authoritarian a person is
Fascist- submission to authority, usually political, and accepting violence as a way to achieve this
Submissive to authority
Inflexible with their outlook
Society is 'going to the dogs'
Authoritarian personalities can be down to harsh parenting
Harsh parenting- strict discipline, expectations to be completely loyal, high standards, unconditional love for parents- even if they do not agree with them
Harsh parenting creates hostility and fear in the child, they go on to displace these feelings onto the 'weak'
Elms and Milgram (1966)
obedient participants scored higher on the F scale
Obedient participants were less close with their fathers during childhood