Investigated areas of psychology that were ignored or neglected by the behaviourists. E.g. Memory, perception and thinking.
These processes are private and cannot be observeddirectly.
This means cognitivepsychologistsstudy them indirectly by makinginferences from their behaviour about what is going on in their mind.
What are Internal mental processes?
Operations that occur during thinking.
What is Perception?
How we turn information we see into usable form.
What is Attention?
How we choosewhat to thinkabout.
What is Problem Solving?
What is Memory?
What is Inference?
The process where cognitivepsychologists draw conclusions about the waymentalprocessesoperate on the basis of observedbehaviour.
Psychologists cannot see these mentalprocesses therefore they make inferences about these concepts based on the observablebehaviours they can see.
What was Peterson and Peterson's Experiment?
Peterson and Peterson have inferred that the capacity of short term memory is approximately 7items. This is because people tend to be able recall 7 items from their ShortTermMemory.
What is a Schema?
A mentalframework of information that we use to organisepastexperiences and interpret and respond to newsituations.
What does a schema enable us to do?
Enable us to processinformation more quickly as they enable us to take shortcuts.
Examples of Schemas:
Doors- we have a schema for what a door is and how to use it.
Subcategories of a door(sliding, revolving etc.)
GettingtheBus-Waiting at the bus stop, getting on the bus, paying for ticket, sitting down, getting off at your stop.
What was the use of the Theoretical Model?
Proposed to attempt to explain and inferinformation about mentalprocesses.
What does the Information Processing Model(IPM) describe the mind as?
A Computer.
What is the computer analogy?
When cognitivepsychologists compare the mind to a computer.
What do computer models suggest?
It suggests that the information is inputted into the brain and the brain has to code it in order to make some sense of it and it is sortedinside.
What was the Computational Model?
The computational model similarly compares the brain with a computer, but it focuses more on how we reach the behavioural outputs.
The process uses mathematical or logicalalgorithms that can be executed on a computer.
What is the Connectionist Model?
Takes a neuralline of thought; it looks at the mind as a complexnetwork of neutrons, which activate in regular patterns to make associations between neurones.
What is Cognitive Neuroscience?
A new field that tries to bridge the gap between the biologicalapproach and the cognitiveapproach.
The scientific study of biologicalstructures that underpincognitiveprocesses.
What are fMRI scans?
FunctionalMagneticResonanceImaging: fMRI measures brain activity by defecting changes associated with bloodflow.
When an area of the brainisinuse, bloodflow to that regionincreases which shows up on the scan.
What are EEGs and ERPs?
Electroencephalograms are BrainScans.
ERPs are BrainScans as well.
What is a Post Mortem?
An examination which is doneafterdeath to showinjury in the brain.
What are the 4 main scan techniques?
Post Mortem
What have the scans helped us understand?
They have helped us understand that the hippocampus is associated with semanticmemory, temporallobe with semanticmemory and cerebellum and motorcortex with proceduralmemory.
Two strengths of the Cognitive Approach:
Uses highly controlled methods to allow psychologists to INFER the cognitive processes at work.
Cognitive Approach has led to real life applications.
COUNTERPOINT: However, this can be criticised as this evidence is correlational which means causation cannot be established.
Two weaknesses of the Cognitive Approach:
It is MachineReductionist- Simply human experiment.