Cards (15)

  • The three classifications of Cell Modification are:
    1. Apical
    2. Basal
    3. Lateral
  • Apical Modification refers to cell modifications found on the top surface of the cell.
  • Pseudopods, otherwise known as false feet, are temporary irregular lobes formed by amoebas and other eukaryotic cells.
  • Cilia are short hair-like structures that move in waves.
  • Flagella are whip-like structures wherein it propels for locomotion.

    The six classifications of flagella are:
    • Atrichous
    • Monotrichous
    • Amphitrichous
    • Cephalotrichous
    • Peritrichous
    • Lophotrichous
  • Villi and microvilli are finger-like projections that increase surface area.
  • The extra-cellular matrix is what holds cells together and absorbs materials. Examples of this are the cell wall and glycoprotein.
  • Lateral Modification refers to cell modifications found on the sides of the cell.
  • Gap Junction are the communicating junctions, connecting the cytoplasm of adjoining animal cells. Examples of this in humans are the heart muscles and tissues.
  • Tight Junction acts as barriers, preventing the leakage of Extra-Cellular Fluids (ECF).
  • Adhering Junction, also referred to as the anchoring junction, are stable and flexible. This junction can be found in the stomach.
  • Basal Modification refers to cell modification found on the base of the cell. Examples of these include desmosomes and hemidesmosomes.
  • Villi/ Microvilli
    What type of cell modification is being shown in the image?
  • This is the only cell in humans that have flagella.
    Sperm cell
  • Pseudopods
    What cell modification is being shown in the image below?