Cards (2)

  • elaborate
    • Governments and regulatory bodies play a crucial role in mitigating the environmental impacts of extractive industries 
    • This involves implementing laws to safeguard the environment, closely monitoring industrial activities, and enforcing regulations 
    • Mining laws include: environmental provisions such as conducting environmental and social impact assessments, devising environmental management plans, and ensuring sustainability post-operation closure
  • example
    •  USA’s surface mining control and Reclamation Act, passed in 1977, requires mine operations to restore strip mines to their original landscape contours and vegetation. A tax is imposed on active mines to address abandoned coal mines legacies. However, achieving complete ecosystem restoration post-mining has proven challenging, and the Act solely covers coal mines, lacking a similar law for other mine types
    • Mining laws might be inapplicable for LDCs as many of them depend on mining for economic benefits and enforcing rehabilitation measures could deter firms from operating there