
Cards (25)

  • What class do birds belong to?
  • From which group did birds evolve?
  • What is a key characteristic of birds in terms of temperature regulation?
    They are endothermic
  • What are the main features of bird body structure?

    • Aerodynamic body
    • Front limbs modified into wings
    • Bipedal locomotion
  • What is the body covering of birds?

    Body covering: feathers, toothless beaked jaw
    flight, insulation, display, camouflage, signalling
    epidermal growths attached to the skin (pterylae)
    plumage is moulted
  • What are the functions of feathers in birds?
    • Flight
    • Insulation
    • Display
    • Camouflage
    • Signalling
  • What are pterylae in birds?
    Epidermal growths attached to the skin that are feathered areas - pterylae
  • What is the body support structure of birds like?

    • Lightweight but strong
    • Ossified skeleton
    • Thin and hollow bones with pneumatic cavities
  • What is the function of the crop in birds?
    It is used for storing food.
  • What is the role of the gizzard in birds?
    It grinds food using stones.
  • Why do birds have a high metabolic rate?
    It supports their energy needs for flight and other activities.
  • What are some roles that bird beaks are adapted for?
    • Pecking
    • Grasping
    • Holding
    • Killing prey
    • Carrying
  • Body support in : ossified skeleton (thin and hollow bones- pneumatic cavities), internal struts or trusses make them strong. Bones are fused together (smaller number). The last vertebrae
    form a synsacrum. More neck vertebrae (flexible ones)
  • Digestive system: toothless beak, Crop for storing food, gizzard with stones for grinding food. High metabolic rate
  • Feeding: Nidicolous (birds hatch helpless, featherless and underdeveloped; sparrow), Nidifugous (hatch well developed, leave nest immediately; chicken)
  • Muscular system: adapted skeletal muscles. Developed breast muscles (flying species). Strong tendons in feet. Wings- depending on species (evolved from forelimbs). Not all birds fly
  • Migration- Migratory (stork, swallow), Non-migratory (crow), Partially migratory (passerine species)
  • What is the purpose of the keeled sternum?
  • Respiratory system: 2 types of breathing (when relaxed or in flying mode). Syrinx- voice organ. The avian respiratory system affects thermoregulation. 9 air sacs.
  • Circulatory system: highly efficient. Four chambered heart
  • Exeretory system: paired metanephros (compare visual difference with opistonephros) Loop of Henle for the first time. Semi-solid urine. Nasal glands secrete salts. Cloaca. uropygial gland
  • Nervous system: developed, coordinates flight, movement, behaviour, navigation, mating, mating, nest building.
  • Sensory system: poor sense of smell. Highly developed vision and specialized light sensing cells. Mechanoreceptors
  • Hormonal system: highly developed
  • Reproduction in aves: common sexual dimorphism (colouring, size or vocalization). Males and females have a cloaca through which they pass eggs, sperm and waste. Females have one
    functional oviduct (adaption to reduce weight). With fertilization, the ovum becomes a developing embryo. This passes through the oviduct.