Cards (24)

  • What causes the movement of Tectonic Plates?
    Convection current
  • What layer of Earth is made of mostly solid iron?
    Inner core
  • What layer do the tectonic plates float on?
  • What is used to detect earthquakes?

  • Who developed the Continental Drift Theory?

    Alfred Wegener
  • What do you call the area where two tectonic plates meet?
    Plate boundaries
  • What is a boundary where two plates slide along each other?
    Transform fault boundaryy
  • What is the fastest and first wave to be recorded by the seismograph?
    P Waves or Primary Waves
  • What did making a map of where earthquakes happened, show scientists?
    Edges of the plate boundaries
  • What is the core mostly made out of?
    Iron and nickel
  • What happens when a continental plate converges with a continental plate?
    Mountains/mountain ranges will be formed
  • What is the first instrument used in navigating the ocean floor?
  • What hardens to form new rock at mid-ocean ridges?
  • What is the theory that the earth's surface is broken up into large pieces that float on top of the asthenosphere?
    Plate tectonic theory
  • What do you call the cracks that are made in the plates from all of the pushing and shoving?
  • What is known asthe longest mountain range underwater?
    Mid-atlantic ridge
  • What is the type of tectonic plate boundary that sometimes has a subduction zone?
  • What type of plate boundary is the Philippines?
  • What type of plate boundary is Iceland?
  • Sand Andreas Fault was formed because of the movement of which two plates?
    North America and Pacific
  • The lithosphere at the divergent plate boundary will uplift and move apart due to the rising of hot magma, known as?
    Ridge push
  • How will you describe the normal polarity of the Earth?
    Nmagnetic = Ngeographic
  • What is the freshwater reptile found in the continents of South America and Africa called?
  • What type of boundary is made when two plates collide?