Caused by pathogens (diseasecausingmicro-organisms)
Can be passed from oneperson to another
Transmission can occur by: Directcontact, water, air, unhygienicfoodpreparation, vectors (bugs/insects/animals)
E.g: Aids, flu, chickenpox
Non-Communicable diseases:
Cannot be spread from one person to another
Some are chronic
Degenerative disease is a disease that causes breakdown in body cells, tissues and organs as it progresses
Congenital disorders are all disorders are disorders that are present when the baby is born
Heredity is the passing of traits from parents to their children
e.g: cancer, deafness, arthiritis
Chronic: Present either continuously or on and off over a long period
Factors that can effect health: Diet, exercise, hygiene, age, conflict, pollution, weather
Viruses living in cells can be triggers for cancers
Defects in the immune system mean that an individual is more likely to suffer from infectious diseases
Immune reactions initially caused by a pathogen can trigger allergies such as skin rashes and asthma
Severe physical ill health can lead to depression / other mental illnesses
Immunoglobulin: Chemicals released by cells
Antihistamines: Drug given to combat the effect of Immunoglobulin
Drugs are substances that cause changes to the body. Some drugs can help the body but other can harm it
Creating a new drug:
Research - can take years - tests for shelf life
Testing - on cells/tissue cultures - tests for safety
Small animals - may move to giving it to primates - tests for side effects
Small group of healthy volunteers - tests for safety + side effects
Small group of patients - tests for safety + efficacy - start to look at dosage
Large group of patients - representative of population - tests for safety, efficacy and dosage
Peer review - work gets checked
FDA approval
New drug
Placebo: Fake drug, no medicine, but same in every other way
Take the placebo
We compare placebo with non-placebo
Double blind test: Doctors and patientsdon't know who has the placebo
Bias: We don't want this, it's one sided
Who has the placebo vs medication
Large sample = representative
Epidemiology: The study of incidence (number of cases) of diseases and pattern of a disease with a view to finding the means of preventing or controlling it
Risk factor: Will increase the likelihood or chances of an event occurring
Correlation does not prove cause and effect, another factor may be involved
Ionising radiation: Highenergyradiation that increases the chance of a mutation in DNA. Causes cells to divide uncontrollably. Leads to a tumour