Evaluation of classical conditioning & Pavlov's research

Cards (4)

  • Strengths
    • The use of scientific methods (e.g. lab experiments)
    • Reliability is based on the use of a testable hypothesis
    • Hypothesis testing takes place in controlled conditions using standardised, replicable procedures
    • The above measures produce results which should show consistency over time
    • Thus, research into behaviourism has good reliability
  • Strengths
    • Behaviourism takes a nomothetic approach which is a strength as it seeks to establish general laws of behaviour which can be applied universally to all people
  • Limitations
    • Whilst classical conditioning may explain some forms of behaviour, it cannot explain all behaviour:
    • behaviour which is spontaneous or original e.g. dyeing your hair bright blue
    • behaviour which resists conditioning e.g. someone who has been brought up in a strict religious environment who goes on to reject that religion
    • This means that classical conditioning has limited external validity
  • Limitations
    • Behaviourism is highly deterministic (environmental determinism)
    • The assumption is that people are controlled by environmental forces and have little autonomy over their destiny
    • This assumption negates the role of free will in behaviour which reduces the usefulness of the approach, seeing people in almost mechanical terms